LGU-Aklan honored an honest utility worker of DRSTMH

by Darwin T. Tapayan
Gov. Florencio Miraflores (right) commending the honest act of Tay Poldo, (left)
a utility worker in provincial hospital. He was given the certificate of recognition by the governor
together with the chief of hospital Dr. Paul Macahilas (center). Photo by Archie Hilario

Gov. Florencio Miraflores awarded an honest utility worker of Dr. Rafael S. Tumbukon Memorial Hospital (DRSTMH) making him as permanent employee from being a job order. Leopoldo “Poldo” or “Polding” Martinez Jr., 52 years old never expected this award after he honestly returned back the found lost wallet at the Out Patient Department area of the hospital on Sept. 3, Saturday.

Tay Poldo said that found this brown wallet on a chair while cleaning on the area around 6:00am and immediately surrendered it to the hospital’s head of security without even opening it. On the following day, it was claimed by the owner identified himself as Richard Urios Rico Sr., legal age, a ship captain and resident of Kalibo, Aklan. The owner was overjoyed after he found out that everything in his wallet was all intact. It contains US dollar and peso bills and coins amounting to more than Php16K together with identification cards and other important documents. Rico said that he left his wallet after he undergone check-up in this hospital. Though Poldo did not receive any prize from the owner, he was happy that he was able to make a kind act without expecting any reward.

Poldo worked as job order utility worker for more than three years in DRSTMH. This is the reason why he was so glad that the Local Government Unit of Aklan led by Governor Miraflores on the promotion to be permanent in his work as an award to what he recently did. It was found out that he only received Php 200.00 daily compensation as job order employee. He confessed that he only did what he must need to be done and considered this as “simple act” of honesty.

The formal recognition for Tay Poldo was done during the flag raising ceremony at the vicinity of the provincial hospital on Sept. 19.  A certificate of recognition for him was personaly handed by the governor commending “his inspiring work attitude, full dedication in his service, and commendable honesty and personal traits worthy of emulation.”

His story of honesty even went viral on social media. In her facebook account of Dearose Quimpo, head nurse of the OPD, noted that Tay Poldo “comes to work on time and never refuses any request especially in keeping the hospital premises clean.”

The head of province state appealed to other employees of the lone provincial government owned hospital in his remark on the same occasion to follow the example of this utility worker from Aliputos, Numancia. Poldo on the other hand expresses the same to his co-workers and employees and reminded them not to yield to temptation whenever same scenario may happen to them.

In his remark on the flag raising ceremony at the provincial hospital, he reminded all employees of their main obligation to serve the people of Aklan. “This is really a commitment on my part to give the best possible facility for our province state and all of these of course, can only be done in a way that has to be done by all of us,” he stated.

He also appealed to them to make good image of the hospital especially on how to elimanate different issues surrounding them especially on people’s complaint on their poor service. “I can only provide the structures, equipments and other on how to run this hospital but in the end of the day, it is only you that can make the image of this hospital to what it should be in the future.”

The governor expects that there will be a fair treatment to all patients, rich or poor. “Each of us has the role to play--the nurses, the attendants to work and serve all our people, the least fortunate especially,” he said. “I really don’t mind if we lost money. I really don’t mind if our people can’t pay their bills as long as we found that they don’t really have any sources to pay their bills,” he stressed making clear that poor patient must be given priority. He also appealed to snobbish employees to be patient and "do extra mile, do extra service.”#


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